62. 벌거숭이 Beggar
벌거숭이로 세상에 나와서 옷을 입었네
I came into the world as a beggar and put on clothes
사철 옷을 입고 살며 말과 글을 배웠네
I wore worn-out clothes and lived, learning to speak and write
어린시절 달걀을 준다고 교회도 다녔네
Even went to church when they gave out eggs in my childhood
살면서 아버지의 병으로 재산도 없었네
Lost our wealth due to my father's illness in life
어머니가 마음을 아파해 교회를 다녔네
My mother suffered in her heart, attending church
학교나와 열심히 일하고 또한 노력했네
Worked hard after school, putting in effort
살만하고 효도하나 했더니 하늘 가셨네
Just lived and tried to be filial, then my father went to heaven
가시는데 아무것도 못가지고 가셨다네
Left with nothing when he went
조그마한 몇평의 흙속에 묻혀 계신다네
Now rests in a small plot of land
추석이라 꽃송이에 소주를 따라 드렸네
During Chuseok, offered flowers and soju
벌거숭이로 나와 벌거숭이로 가는 인생
ife coming into the world as a beggar and leaving as a beggar
진리를 찾아서 벌거숭이 인생 열반하세
Seeking truth, let's reincarnate as a beggar life
살아도 삶에 있지 않고 있어도 있음에
Even when alive, not truly living,
and even when existing, not truly existing
있지 않음이 참열반이니 진정 나를찾네
True enlightenment lies in not existing, truly finding oneself
허물을 벗은 진정한 벌거숭이가 되세나
Let's become true beggars, shedding our flaws
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