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게송 40. 삼매경 The Three-Character Classic

by 단청의 무늬 2024. 4. 11.

40. 삼매경 The Three-Character Classic                           


진리속의 삼매경에  In the depths of truth's Three-Character Classic,
깊고깊이 빠져드니 I fall deeper and deeper,
진공묘유 하나되어 Becoming one with emptiness,
시간개념 잊었구나 Forgetting the concept of time.

내가먼저 나잊으니 Forgetting myself first,
잊었다고 시셈함을 Forgetting, I am commanded,
천둥처럼 울려오니 Roaring like thunder,
나의귀속 멍멍하네 Deafening my ears.

삼매경속 어우러짐 In the convergence of the Three-Character Classic,
여러영상 보여주니 Showing various images,
전생에서 무엇하나 One must discard
지나간일 버려야지 What has passed in past lives.

깨고나니 나의몸이 Upon awakening, my body
팔다리가 전율하며 Trembles with excitement,
나의가슴 울렁대니 My heart flutters,
이런것이 기공현상  This is the manifestation of qi.

이것또한 버리고서 Discarding this too,
여러가지 돌아보니 Reflecting on many things,
나의인생 이나이에 At the age of my life
이제서야 완성했네 Now, finally complete.


삼매경 The Three-Character Classic







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